Success Story - Huge Congratulations!
We are thrilled to be able to share the exciting news that one of our senior girls Iris, has been accepted into Bath Dance College!
Iris comes to us for her Ballet lessons on a Wednesday evening, where she takes RAD Grade 6 and Intermediate Foundation. Last year she gained excellent results in her Grade 5 exam receiving a perfect mark for her barre.
Iris has been busy applying and auditioning for dance colleges and colleges around Bristol, in order to further her studies after her GCSE’s this year. Her most recent audition being at Bath Dance College (BDC). And we are delighted that she has been offered a place there in September.
Iris is so hardworking and humble, and she deserves to have gained places at all of her college choices. We are so thrilled and proud of her for achieving all that she has. She is also off to The Dance Worlds in Florida in April! WOW!
We are so excited for you Iris, and wish you the very best of luck with much to look forward to this year. We can’t wait to see where all of this leads you xxx
Newsletter No.7
Newsletter No.6
Newsletter No.5
Success Story - Huge Congratulations!
We are looking forward to welcoming the school back to classes this week, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September 2022. It’s show term hurray!!
…But first some congratulations are in order for a few of our wonderful students.
We would like to congratulate our Grade 2 student Freya and Grade 3 student Larissa for attending their very first ballet audition back in April this year. Both girls were chosen to step far out of their comfort zone and audition with The Royal Ballet School for their Junior Associates programme. Freya and Larissa attended their auditions in Radstock alongside hundreds of other applicants, where they took part in a really exciting ballet class. It can be a nerve-racking experience, but the girls thoroughly enjoyed their auditions, and it proved fantastic experience for both of them. Really well-done girls, you did the school proud!
We are further delighted for Larissa who, following her audition, was offered a place on The Royal Ballet School Junior Associates programme!! Unfortunately, Larissa is not able to take up her place at this time, but Mrs Andrea and the whole school congratulate her on this absolutely amazing achievement. Places on the Associates programme are extremely limited, so to have gained a place is rare and just fantastic. Larissa, we are all very very proud of your achievement.
Lastly, we extend more congratulations to our senior student Toby (who is certainly on a role with his achievements at the moment). Toby took his first RAD vocational examination, Intermediate Foundation, over the summer. Vocational examinations are a steppingstone to a career in dance; so much is expected of students during these examinations, and to pass them well is difficult. We are delighted for Toby, who not only passed his Inter Foundation examination, but he passed it within the top bracket and gained a Distinction! Congratulations Toby, another amazing feat! Mrs Andrea looks forward to starting Intermediate this term.
Success Story - Tap Sensation Again!
Toby, who takes vocational Ballet training with us, Tap with Mr Melvyn and Miss Lucy, and is also going into his final year at BDC, has had some amazing news over the past two weeks.
Since our last congratulations to him a little over a year ago, Toby has been taking classes with the highly acclaimed Tap Attack in their training company and boys only group.
He has recently put forward an audition to be part of the Tap Attack Team GB and travel to the World Tap Championships which will take place in Reisa, Germany.
We are absolutely ecstatic for Toby that he has been selected for this amazing opportunity. He will travel and take part in the week long event as part of the Tap Attack adult group number. And as if this wasn’t amazing enough, Toby has also been selected as one of only three GB adult males, to perform a solo!
Unfortunately for us, it does mean that we are now seeking a new Mad Hatter for our show in October, because Toby will be extremely busy with his exciting commitments, we will certainly miss him at the show. We are so thrilled for you though Toby, huge congratulations from all of us, we can’t wait to see how the results pan out.
Newsletter No.4
Success Story - Huge Congratulations!
We were so thrilled to hear fantastic news from our leavers last week when they received their results and we now know that they are all off to their preferred universities and colleges. Hurray for all of you and we wish you all the best!
In particular we would like to congratulate Leah as we have not yet had opportunity to do so…
Leah has spent the past year auditioning for various Performing Arts colleges. Like so many others, Leah’s audition process has not been easy; having to change processes and tactics in order to accommodate the new remote, recorded and online auditions. It truly has taken students hours to achieve recordings that they feel happy to send away. It has taken determination and having to find a large amount of self motivation and self belief.
We were delighted to hear that Leah had the pick of some extremely prestigious colleges, and she finally chose to take the next step in her training with the new Performers College in Birmingham.
Leah has not been dancing with us as long as some of our other leavers, but she has certainly made a huge impact on us in a short time and we are really going to miss her ‘sunshiney’ nature. She lights up every class she attends! We can’t wait to hear how she gets on in Birmingham and send our hugest congratulations and well wishes for the next chapter.
Go get em Leah, and above all have loads of fun doing it xx